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Кормим птиц

Чертежи двух кормушек и рецепт птичьего пирога

Kabulari Cookbook

Рецепты, проверенные временем и четырьмя дегустаторами

Куопио зимой

Зима в Центральной Финляндии

Ensemble Music Performance

A duet of two grand pianos, a piano four hands, a violin, an alt (mmmm, what an alt!) And singing to the accompaniment of a grand piano. One and a half hours as a moment.
And Semyon has a wonderful shirt, very brave for an academic style event!

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Ensemble Music Performance

Apple marshmallow and its lavender-berry variations

Apple marshmallow is the best dessert of all existing, don’t even argue. I always prefer a snow-white cloud to a decent piece of sponge cake and even oat cookers. At first time I encountered this dessert in my kitchen many years ago when I was experimenting with apple sauce and additives. Why was egg white on my hand that day? Don’t ask me. Then I still didn’t know anything about agar, the receipe proportions were far from perfect, but the transformation in a matter of minutes of the brown ordinary-looking mass into a marshmallow struck once and forever. My first marshmallow broke and had to scrape it off with a spoon. It was delicious, but now I make it differently. Could I make marshmallows using… Read More »

Apple marshmallow and its lavender-berry variations

Helsinki in April

— For a long time we haven’t been to Helsinki.
— Go?

Leaving the umbrellas, laptops and thermos in the bag, we went on a spring break to the capital of Finland.

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Helsinki in April

Oat cookies

This recipe has been at least ten years old and over the years we have tried a cloud of variations: with and without raisins, with high-grade flour and with peeled, baked to caramel or just barely. Here he is, pet, adjusted to a gram of flour and a minute in the oven! A small supply of this cookie can always be found in our kitchen in the verythat French tin with a bicycle on the lid.